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Now downloading free:IBM C24-3409-2 BOSutil Dec65

IBM C24-3409-2 BOSutil Dec65 free download

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File No. S360-32 Form C24-3409-2 Systems Ret1erence Library IBM System/360 masie Operating System Specification,s Utility Progr:ams This reference publication qescribes the IBM System/360 Basic Operating System utili- ty Programs. The programs described are: 1. Eleven file-to-file programs for trans- ferring a file from input mediums to output mediums. 2. A program to clear one or more areas of disk storage and establish pre-formatted tracks. 3. A tape compare program that compares two files from two or more tapes. The reader should be familiar with the information presented in the publications IBM System/360 Basic Operating System Programmer's Guide (8K Disk), C24-3372, IBM System/360 Basic Operating System Assembler with Input/Output Macros (8K Disk), C24-336l. For a list of association publications, refer to the IBM System/360 Bibliography, A22-6822. Major Revision, December 1965 This edition, Form C24-3409-2, is a major revision of and obsoletes, Form C24-3409-l. Changes are designated in three ways: 1. A vertical line appears at the left of of the affected text where only a part of the page has been changed. 2. A dot (e) appears at the left or right of the page number where the complete page should be reviewed. 3. A dot (e) appears at the left of each figure that has been changed. Pages that have been affected are: 1-3, 5-11, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 27, 30, 32, 38, 46, 51-55. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IBM Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764. C 1965 by International Business Machines Corporation CONTENTS IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: U'fILITY PROGRAMS .. 5 Description . . . . . . . . . S Machine Requirements . . . 5 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . 6 General Information . . . .. 6 Utility-Modifier Card. . .11 Field-Select Card. . .16 Print Header . . . . . . . 16 Examples . . . . . . 17 Key Fields . . . . . .

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