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Now downloading free:IBM C24-3321-3 BOSsortMerge Jun66

IBM C24-3321-3 BOSsortMerge Jun66 free download

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File No. S360-33 Form C24-332l-3 Systems Reference Library IBM System/36D Basic Operating System Sort/Merge Program Specifications This publication describes the IBM System/360 Basic Operating System, Sort/Merge Program. It contains the following information: 1. Minimum machine requi rements for sorting or merging records with this program. 2. Program capabilities. 3. A description of the control statements required to define specific sort or merge operations. 4. A description of the facilities provided for inserting user-written routines into the program. For a list of associated publications and their abstracts, see the IBM System/360 Bibliography, :F'orm A22-6822. PREFACE This reference publication describes the IBM System/360 Basic Operating System, Sortl Merge Program. Information is included about the program specifications, including equipment, preparation of control statements, description of the program operation, and procedures for program modifications. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the System/360. The publica- tions IBM Basic operating System/360,. Assembler with Input/Output Macros (8K Qis&, C24-3361, and IBM Basic Operating

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