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IBM IBM Computation Seminar Aug51 free download

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PROCEEDINGS Computation Seminar AUGUST 1951 EDITED BY IBM APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT CUTHBERT c. HURD, Director INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION NEW YORK + NEW YORK Copyright 1951 International Business Machines Corporation 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Form 22-8705-0 P R I N TED N THE U NIT E D S TAT E S o F AMERICA FORE WORD A COMPUTATION SEMINAR, sponsored by the International Business .I1. Machines Corporation, was held in the IBM Department of Education, Endicott, New York, from August 13 to August 17, 1951. Participating in this Seminar were ninety research engineers and scien- tists representing computing facilities which employ IBM Card- Programmed Electronic Calculators. The discussion centered on the mathematical and computational aspects of a variety of important problems which have been solved on the Card-Programmed Elec- tronic Calculator. The formal papers of the Seminar and a digest of the ensuing discussion are published in this volume. In addition, informal papers were presented at several valuable supplementary sessions. Dr. W. J. Ec"kert presided at a session on Training of Personnel for Computing Laboratories at which Mr. Murray Lesser, Mr. Walter Ramshaw and Professor Frank Verzuh led the discussion. Mr. P. M. Thompson presided at a session on the Organization of a Computing Installation at which Mr. W. D. Bell, Dr. H. R. J. Grosch, and Mr. J. D. Madden gave short papers. Mr. E. B. Gardner presided at a session in which there was widespread discussion of the subject of Data Reduction. More generally, all participants in the Seminar con- tributed generously in discussions. The International Business Ma- chines Corporation wishes to express its appreciation to all who participated in this Seminar. CONTENTS Application of the IBM Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator to Engineering Procedures at The Glenn L. Martin Company - WARREN B. KOCH . . . . . . . 13 Reduction of Six-Component Wind Tunnel Data Using the IBM Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator, Model II - MURRAY L. LESSER. 17 IBM Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator Operations -HARLEY E. TILLITT Using a Type 402-417 BB and 604-2 MARTHA KENYON BRUCE OLDFIELD. 27 The Combomat -JOHN D. MADDEN

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