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Now downloading free:IBM A24-3344-1 1440 1240 Consolidated Index Sep65

IBM A24-3344-1 1440 1240 Consolidated Index Sep65 free download

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File name A24-3344-1_1440_1240_Consolidated_Index_Sep65.pdf

File No. 1440-00 Form A24-3344-1 c' Systems Reference Library IBM 1440 and 1240 Consolidated Index This publication is a consolidation of indexes of publications in the IBM 1440 and 1240 System Reference Library listed in the IBM 1440 and 1240 Bibliography, Form A24-3005. Entries are listed alphabetically, with the subject code and form number for the associated SRL publication. c ') 0/ / _ _ _ _ _ ..." .. ~."C"'_.,,."" ...""""""" PREFACE 0 This Consolidated Index can be used to help locate Subject specific detailed information for a term, subject, Code Subject Heading function, or concept of the IDM 1440 or 1240 systems. To use this index, find the particular item in the 00 General Information alphabetic listing; then determine which subject-code reference best describes the information required. 01 Machine System The publication, whose form number is shown oppo- site" the applicable subject code, contains either a 03 Input/Output detailed index or a table of contents to indicate the exact location of the data being sought. 05 Magnetic Tape Wherever possible, the entries of this index contain an abbreviation of the publication title (1440 07 Disk Storage SORM, FORTRAN, 1440 AUTOTEST, etc) to help determine ~ a given entry applies. 09 Tele-Processing Equipment Subject Code 80 (Installation Supplies) is not in- cluded in this index. 13 Special and Custom Features A special Reader's Survey Form is attached at the end of this publication. Please use this form for 15 Physical Planning your comments regarding this publication. 19 Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information (OEM!) 20 Programming System (General) 22 Autocoder 24 CO

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