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IBM Basic Programming Concepts and the IBM 1620 Computer 1962 free download

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Basic Programming Concepts and The IBM 1620 Computer Daniel N. Leeson Donald L. Dimitry Basic Programming Concepts and The IBM 1620 Computer Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 09:22:13 -0700 From: "Dan Leeson" You are welcome to scan the copy you have of my book, and submit the scan to the IBM 1620 section of the archives. Be my guest. Every now and then, I bump into people whose first introduction to computing was through the IBM 1620 and who did so using my book. Frankly, I am flattered to have played a small role in the history of the computer business. I live near the computer history museum in Mountain View, California, and every now and then I find something in my attic to donate to them. What I will not donate is a special, leather-bound copy of the book, given to me by the publishers after it had sold a great many copies. Don Dimitry and I wrote the book without any expectations that it would become a best seller for its day. But it did. Thanks for making my day and finding some use to what is now an obsolete book, though it was a killer in its brief time .. Dan Leeson Basic Programming Concepts and The IBM 1620 Computer IB~

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