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Now downloading free:Keithley 2430SweepPulses

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Is it Possible to Combine Sweep Operation with Pulse Mode on the Model 2430? It is very much possible to do a Sweep of the Pulses with the Model 2430. It can be accomplished from either the Front Panel or via bus control (GPIB or RS-232). First, define the Pulse characteristics (pulse width, pulse delay). Having done this, set up a Sweep by selecting the Sweep type (linear, log, custom) and configuring the sweep points. As an example, the scope trace below shows a linear pulse sweep. The Sweep starts at 1 V and ends at 10 V, with a step size of 1 V. This was set for an Infinite sweep count. In the trigger Model set the Arm Count for Infinite and the Trigger count for 10. If selecting the Log sweep type, make sure you do not start the sweep from 0 Volts or 0 Amps as the logarithm of zero cannot be calculated. For more information, see section 5 (Pulse Mode) and section 10 (Sweep Operation) in the Model 2400 Series SourceMeter User's Manual.

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