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Now downloading free:IBM A24-3312-7 2821 Component Descr Nov69

IBM A24-3312-7 2821 Component Descr Nov69 free download

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File Number 8360-03 Form A24-3312-7 Systems Reference Library IBM 2821 Control Unit Component Description This reference publication presents a description of input/ output operations controlled through the IBM 2821 Control Unit. The IBM 2540 Card Read-Punch and the IBM 1403 and 1404 Printers controlled by the IDM 2821 Control Unit are briefly described. Commands, status, and sense information pertaining to the attached input/output units is presented. Pro- gramming timing considerations for control unit, card reader, card punch, and printers are also presented. For further information about the attached input/output units, refer to IBM 2540 Card Read- Punch, Form A21-9033, IBM 1403 Printer, Form A24-3073, and IDM 1404 Printer, Form A24-1446. For further information about input/output and . channel operations, refer to IBM 8ystem/360 Principles of Operation, Form A22-6821. Other related literature is listed in IDM 8ystem/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. Eighth Edition, November 1969 This is a reprint of A24-3312-6 incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletter. Form Number Date N24-0428 April 14, 1969 Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication are continually being made. When using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM equipment, check the latest SRL Newsletter for revisions, or contact the local IBM Branch Office. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Dept. 171, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, New York 13760. Address comments regarding this publication to the above address. CONTENTS ruM 2821 CONTROL UNIT. . 5 Special Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Channels . . . . . . 6 Programming Timing Considerations. . . 29 Units Controlled . . . 7 IBM 2540 Use Meter.

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