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Now downloading free:IBM GY27-7255-0 HASP II Version 4 Logic Sep76

IBM GY27-7255-0 HASP II Version 4 Logic Sep76 free download

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GY27-7255-0 File No. 8370-36 OS/VS2 HASP II Version 4 Systems Logic Program Number 370H-TX -001 VS2 SVS Release 1.7 Page of GY27-7255-0 Revised September 15, 1976 By TNL SN27-1555 First Edition (March, 1973) This edition, as amended by technical newsletters SN25-0l22 and SN27-l555, applies to HASP II Version 4.1 in support of OS/VS2, SVS Release 1.7 and any subsequent versions of HASP and releases of SVS unless otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Information in this publication is subject to significant change. Before using this publication, consult the latest IBM System/370 Bibliography, GC20-000l, and the technical newsletters that amend the bibliography, to learn which editions and technical newsletters are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back of this publi- cation. If the forms have been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 50020, Programming Publishing, San Jose, California 95150. ~Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1973 PREFACE Persons interested in determining sources of errors withln or making changes to the internal logic of F~SP II Version 4 should read this publication. Readers must be familiar with programming techniques and the operating principles of OS/VS2 Release 1. This manual describes the purpose and function of HASP and its relationship to OS/VS2 Release 1. It does not replace the pro- gram listings; it supplements them and makes the information in them more accessible. This publication contains seven sections: Section 1 Introduction - describes the general characteristics and functions of HASP II Version 4. Section 2 ~lethod of Operation - contains HIPO (Hierarchy plus Input-Process-Output) diagrams that describe the operation of HASP II Version 4. The diagrams are high level and are designed to guide the reader to a particular area of the program listing. Section 3 Program Organization - describes the HASP general program organization and each of the HASP processors. Section 4 Directory - provides cross-reference lists. Section 5 Data Areas - contains descriptions of the interrelationship and content of HASP data areas and control blocks. Section 6 Diagnostic Aids - contains information necessary for interpreting the program listing and diagnosing program failures. Section 7 Appendix A HASP Programmer Macros - describes HASP macro instructions and their use. Glossary - defines HASP terms. Related OS/VS publications are listed in the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography GA22-6822. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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