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Now downloading free:Keithley 220 903 01B

Keithley 220 903 01B free download

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Model 220/230 PROGRAMMABLE SOURCES QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE lNTl?OOUCTlON The Keithley Model 220 Programmable Current Source and 230 Pro- grammable Voltage Source are easily interfaced to common con- trollers using the IEEE-488 bus. These programs will set the current and voltage values using the following controllers: HP 85; HP 9825A; HP 98458; APPLE II (APPLE Interface); PET/CBM 2001; TEK 40% IBM PC or XT Personal Computer, E-H 7000 Com- puter. The programs accept a numeric input from the controller keyboard, program the Model 220 for autoranging and continuous operation, and set the instrument output to the values entered. All other parameters remain unchanged, but may be altered by including another input string variable. Programming for Model 230 f&flows the same format with only minor modifications as explained in a note at the end of each example. 01982, Keithley Instruments, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 1984, Second Printing Document Number 220-903-OlB 1 CONTENTS PROGRAM CODES Model220... 3 Model230... 7 PROGRAMS HP85.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__.._._ __._ .I... _. . .._... ___ 11 HP9825A _... ____.._ _.._... _. . . .._ 12 HP9845B...~-... 13 APPLE II (APPLE Interface) . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PET/CBM 2001 . . . . _. . . . . . . . _. . _. . ._ __. . . . . __. . . . . 15 TEK4052...- _.___ __._,. _._ _..._..._... r r...,. 16 IBMPCorXTPersonalComputer _..._ ___________ __.._._ .17 (Capital Equipment Corp. 0.1000 IEEE-488 Interface) IBMPCorXTPersonalComputer... _._..__. _..__ ._..._ __. 19 (Tecmar IEEE-488 Interface and Version 4.0 Software) E-H 7000 Computer . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 20 Model 220 Primary Address Switches 1 Model 230 Primary Address Switches 1 0 A2 A4 2 USPlAy: W = Source Dl = Voltage Limit D2 = Dwell Time D3 = Memory Location UNCTION: FO = Standby 1. Set output current to zero on 2nA range. 2. Reduce voltage limit to less then 32V. 1V minimum. Fl = Operate Set output to value in memory location. `REFIX: GO = Location with

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