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Now downloading free:IBM GA22-6822-14 System 360 Bibliography Dec69

IBM GA22-6822-14 System 360 Bibliography Dec69 free download

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File name GA22-6822-14_System_360_Bibliography_Dec69.pdf

File No. S360-00 Order No. GA22-6822-14 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Bibliography This bibliography identifies and describes all literature in or related to the Systems Reference Library for the System/360, Model 25 and above. Part 1 is a list of subject codes with publica- tion types shown for each code. Part 2 is a set of publications selector charts for System/360 machines and programming sys- tems. These charts are quick and comprehensive guides for locating documents about specific machines or programs. Part 3 provides abstracts of all publications in form-number sequence. When you order the bibliography, you also get the current SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360, which should always be used with the bibliography. Publications relating to the Model 20 are in the IBM System/ 380 Alodel20 Bibliography, Form A26-3565. Another publication of interest to the user of System/360 is the IBM Teleprocessing Bibliography, Form A24-3089. Systems Reference Library For each major IBM data processing system, a Systems A complete list of publications appears as an accumu- Reference Library (SRL) contains all basic reference lative index in subject-code sequence in the System/ literature needed to plan, program, install, and operate 360 SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360. the system. An SRL Bibliography Supplement, Form A24-3089, covers publications for IBM teleprocessing Technical Newsletters and data collection equipment. The Bibliography of To keep publications current, additions and other Data Processing Techniques, Form F20-8172, lists modifications are distributed as Technical Newsletters selected IBM technique-oriented publications that are ( TNLS ). The TNL masthead carries the file number and applicable to many types of systems. form number of the publication to which it applies. Also, all previously issued TNLS are listed so that you Bibliography may verify receipt of all changes. The bibliography is always associated with the Sys- tem/360 SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360. When you SRL Newsletter order the bibliography, you receive the SRL Newsletter. The System/360 SRL Newsletter, Form. N20-0360, is The bibliography provides publications selector charts issued every four weeks (if changes have occurred to aid in quickly finding publications related to specific during that period) to update the System/360 Bibliog- system models, input/ output devices, and program-

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