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Now downloading free:Keithley 190D(Model190)

Keithley 190D(Model190) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL Model IV0 Digital Multimeter @COPYRIGHT 1975, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. FOURTH PRINTING, DECEMBER 1977, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS - 1075 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 190 SPECIFICATIONS AS A DC VOLTMETER AS AN OHMMETER RANGE: -`lo m~crovolts per d,git (1 volt full range) lo RANGE: 10 milliohms per digit (1 lcllohm full range) 1" IlOO volts full range in four decade ranges. 100% 10 megohms full range in 11% decade ranges 1,OO"o ""erranglng to 199999 on ai1 ranges except on the overranging lo 199999 on ail ranges~ 1000.""II range, ACCURACY (90 days): ?tO 02% of readlng + 0 O,"a ACCURACY' (24 hours): 5(0.005% of reading + Of ranqe + O,2 ohm, exceDt _tio~08"o 0, lead,"" f 0,005"0 01 range). (90 days); +(0.015% of reading O.OlYo-"I range) on the lO:meg;hm range - i 0,00500 "I range,, * k?ss than 0~00001% Of TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: ?10~002"~ "1 read,"" reading per ""I, from full range 1, 0,001% "1 range,/ c except i(0 01"" "`i TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: iO,OOZ% "1 "1 readlng'+ 0.001"~ "1 range) `"c "n the readinglc 10.megohm range, INPUT RESISTANCE: Greater than 1000 megohms on SETTLING TIME: Less than 3 seconds plus 1 second the l-V",, range, 10 megohms on the 10 to 1000.""If ppr megohm lo wIthin OOlOb of final readlng~ ranges, CONFIGURATION: Two-termina,. constant currents HI SETTLING TIME': Less than 5 seconds to wfh,n 0 01% Of fInal reading. VOLTAGE ACROSS UNKNOWN: 5 volts for fu,, ranqe~ NORMAL MODE REJECTION RATIO: Greater than 60 MAXIMUM ALLOWASLE INPUT: 20 v"Its "n the-1~ dB ""er

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