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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 167 AUTO-PROBE'" DIGITAL MULTIMETER SECTION CONTENTS PACE Title Page i contents List al IliusfraLions. ,:: speciiicnrion. : : i" 1. General information. L L-L. InLrodufcio" I L-2. werranq In~ormti"" L 1-3. Change Notice. L L-4. iipplicationr 2 2. 1nitie1 Preparation. z-i. cenere,. : 2-2. Inspection 2-3. Preporsfion for "30. : 3. operating 1osrructi"nl 4 3-L. Genersl. 3-2. Turn-o" Procedure. 2 1-3. Connecrions. 3-4. luncfion Selecrio" t 3-5. Operafion as * VOltmeter 3-6. "peretio" 81 an UhmmeLer : 3.7. operation as an b.metsr. 3-8. llerrery operstion. :: 1-9. Line Operer~on 3-10. huxiliery Power operation. :: z-11. oartery LifF 14 3.12. "*splay. 16 4. Theory Of operstion. 18 4-L. General. 18 4-2. Analog circuitry 19 4-3. r'igite, Circulfry. 4-4. UC "okage operetion : : : :; 4-5. AC YolLega operation 26 4-6. ems operation 4-7. Yower supply :i 5. MainLenanee. 5-l. General. : : : : : : : : : : : : :; 5-2. Kequired wet Eqvipmenf. 29 i-3. Performance Cheeks 21 5-4. Ad,ustmenc end Cal`bralion Procedure 13 5-i. Iroublesllooring. 4, 5-6. Battery Test 4, 5-7. mttery Keplacernenl. 4, 5-8. Battery margin* 42 6. KeplaceQble Parts. 6-1. General. 2: 6-2. Ordering InforlMfion 41 6-3. crose Keiaranee. 6.4. Parts List 2; 6-5. Code-Lo-Nam Li8L. : : : 63 1. Schematic Diagrams 65 I-Z. Block IJiegrem, NO. 253540. : : 1-3. Power SyaLem, NO. 25340" :; 7-i. *"clog circuitry. NO. 213420 69 7-i. "igifsl circuitry, No. 253430. 70 Appendix A. service For", 8. Change Notice ILLUSTRATIONS SPECIFICATIONS I

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