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Now downloading free:Keithley Keithley Model 2001 2002 data clearing procedure

Keithley Keithley Model 2001 2002 data clearing procedure free download

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April 20, 2011 Destruction of Data in Non-Volatile Memory in the Keithley Model 2001 / 2002 DMM The Keithley Model 2001 and 2002 contain memory devices to hold firmware code that is executed by an internal microprocessor to operate the product and memory to save setup information. The following sections describe how the data stored in the memory devices may be cleared or destroyed. The information and clearing procedure represent the maximum configuration of the instrument. Some versions have less memory. Description of memory devices, their use, and clearing procedure: 1 of Freescale 68302 processor - contains RAM with runtime variables - cleared when power is turned off for one minute. 2 of 512kB ROM - stores operating firmware for the instrument - not erasable. The contents of these ROMs are not changeable. Note: If the instrument starts and operates properly when powered on, it is very unlikely that the ROM memory was compromised. 2 of 128kB RAM - stores runtime variables - cleared when power is turned off for one minute. 1 of 128kB battery backed RAM - stores user setups and user readings. Clear user readings under the config->store->clear all menu option. See below for clearing user setups. 1 of 128kB serial EEPROM - stores saved setups, serial number, and calibration constants. Clear user setups by restoring factory defaults, then save as user setups 0-9. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact my office at anytime. Regards, William Pelster Director of Quality

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