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Now downloading free:IBM C20-8152 Flowcharting Techniques

IBM C20-8152 Flowcharting Techniques free download

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Form C20-8152 r--1BM Data Processing Techniques Flowcharting Techniques Adherence to standard techniques for the preparation of flowcharts of data processing systems and procedures greatly increases effectiveness of communication between the programmer analyst and the many groups with whom he deals. The manual describes in detail the preparation of system and program flowcharts. The symbols used are those provided by the new IBM Flowcharting Template (X20-8020), which contains cutouts for all flowchart symbols. The template envelope gives uses for the symbols. The Flowchart Worksheet (X20-8021) is a means of standardizing documentation. It provides space for drawing program flowcharts and contains an area for identification of the job, including application, procedure, date and pagination. Documentation CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . 1 Flowcharting Template. . 2 System Flowcharts . . . 3 Basic Symbols. . . . 3 Special Medium, Input/Output and Operation Symbols. . . . . . . 6 Examples of System Flowcharts . 6 Program. Flowcharts.

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