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Now downloading free:Keithley AMM1A 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley AMM1A 500RevA DocSpec free download

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AMMlA l ANALOG MASTER MEASUREMENT MODULE AMMlA SPECIFICATIONS: INPUT CHANNl3.S LOC& S differential or 16 singleended inpu*i. Global: 9 input3 from slots Z-10. LOCAL PROGRAMMA BLE GADI AMPLIIWR ProRrammablc Gainr; xl, x10. Gain Accuracy M.c45% 63xl gain; ffl.Oe% d x10 gain. Nonlhelrlty : ffl.05% Temperature Coeff: gain;m.M17%/`CBx10gain. Input Rerittanrc: >ILXlMR Input Bias Cumnt 7CdB, IX to MHZ. Input Protection: i.WV maximum @waedl, i15V maximum kmpowered1. IO.@30 VOLT REPRRRNCR Accuracy: iO.O25%. Temperahue Cod m.oo17wc. Noise: 25pv p-p, O.lHz to lOH7.. GLOBAL AMPLIRER AND Ad.0 CONWRTRR Self-cafIbrattng, succasive appmxtmation. IZ-bits (1 part in 4,096). Sofhvare selectable, 0 to +lOV kmipolarl and -lOV to +lOV (bipolar). %quec. otlcludblg acquiaitfon UmE). Oneshot Mode: A single leading is available ~QASX after trigger lccation in memory is ad drewed. conunuour Mode: CLlnvrnlom are mntinuously lriggered every 24rsee. by fluemd RyatBi mnboued clock. External Tr&ec CQItlnuolu rnnvenlo~ begin WlU'tfdkg edg of MT TWC input and stop when input is high. Tn. mlpatlble. Noise: <1/2LSBonaUrqeaandgpins Pr,+anunable Calna xl, x2, x5, and x10. Gain Accuncy? 3dOM% + 1 ISB) a xl gain; tiO.15% + 1 L5Bl8 x2, x.5,and x10 gain. Gain Nmtllnearlty? Gab Temp. Co&? m.a334b/'c. Filter: Softwate sektable, 1MkHz or 2kHz single pole. Sttthg Tlmct: I-. with 1ookHz filter, w with 2kHz filter. `Inciuder input MUX, amplfffen, and A-to-D emon ' (to 0.05% of ffnaf reading)

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