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HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1980-09-11 free download

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1 1 1 C l l L l l l l l t L le lilUiCU l uu11us 111 l-elllul,t! uevitie la n i i u w i i as ail acbivt: 11s- H P 59401A Bus System Analyzer (Figure 1) as a troubleshooting tool programming capabilities and then tener. By the nature of the actions to help fulfill those needs. interfaces the instrument into the which they perform, some devices system through a standard connec- may be only talkers (e.g., a paper It is assumed that the reader is at tor. Figure 2 shows the bus struc- tape reader) or only listeners (e.g., a least familiar with the IEEE-488 ture, connector, and IEEE-488 printer). Other devices such as a dig- Interface Bus Standard and ter- Interface. ital voltmeter can be either a talker minology. For those that are not, a or a listener. It is made a listener so brief review is presented here but General Bus Description that it can be programmed for the does not go into great detail. A more Physically, the bus itself is merely a correct voltage range and told when detailed description of the bus is set of sixteen wires (along with a few given in several of the references P 1 r assorted ground wires and an elec- listed at the end of the article. trical shield) to which all devices on that bus are connected (see Figure What Is The Bus? 2). Eight of these wires serve to r IEEE-488 is a concept carefully de- fined for instrument communica- tion. HP-IB is the implementation of carry the data messages back and forth over the bus. To maintain order, only one device at a time can the IEEE-488 Standard. In other place information on these d a t a words, HP-IB, or GPIB, or IEEE-488 lines, and that device is known as allows you to connect instruments the active talker. Any or all of the together to form a "system" and other devices on the bus may sense Part No. 5952-0104 WWW.HPARCHIVE.COM I - I to take a reading. It is then made a Therefore: Listener

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