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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6510-0 360pgmSysSummary

IBM C28-6510-0 360pgmSysSummary free download

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File No. 8360-20 Form C28-6510-0 Systems Reference Library IBM System/36D Programming Systems Summary This publication describes the general function and application of the operating system and the special support system of the IBM System/360. The operatinQ system c6nsists of a comprehensive set of commercial and scientific programming aids operating under the supervisory control and coordination of an integrated set of control programs. The programming aids and control programs of the operating system can be integrated in various combinations with selected processing, storage, and input/output facilities of the IBM Computing System/360 to form a balanced total system (the IBM System/360) for a particular range of applications. The operating system can be used to perform, individually or concurrently, several types of processing, such as stacked job and remote messaQe processing, on one or more processing units. The programming aids include assemblers having macro capabilities; program compilers, including compilers that are capable of compiling source programs written in FORTRAN, COBOL, or a New Programming Language; a program tester for debugging programs; input/output control programs for use in remote message processing, as well as sequential and direct-access file processing; a report program generator; a generalized sort/merge program; and various utility programs. The special support system consists of a set of related control programs and programming aids that are designed to provide early delivery of programming support for small card, tape, or disk configurations of the IBM Computing System/360. The control programs and programming aids in this system include input/output control programs; assemblers; a FORTRAN compiler; a New Programmin

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