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Now downloading free:Keithley 29029(Model148 Voltmeter)

Keithley 29029(Model148 Voltmeter) free download

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Model:29029(Model148 Voltmeter) 🔎
Original:29029(Model148 Voltmeter) 🔎
Descr: Keithley 148 29029(Model148_Voltmeter).pdf
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K&~l~y~in&iwnt~, Kelthley~in&&nts, II&. ~i&&t$@i~ &oduct to b+&&om Inc. ~&arrantSth~s product to befree from detects defects fin metertal~ Andy workmanship~ for~e~period of 1 year from date of ship- ~~ menb During.the warranty period;~~tia~@;~at our option, either repair period;~~tia~~ill;~at ,~~ ~. or ~replatie any~ product that proves~to be defective; :~ ~~To~exercise this warranty, ~write~or $811~your l6&Keithiey~~p~epresent-: lo&Kehhley~mpreesnt-: ative, ,or contacts Keithley headquarters in Cleveland, ohlti.~You~will~be given prompt assistance and return instructions, Send:the instrument; ~`~transportation prepaid; to the indir+sd service f&lii~ jIegairs @l be ~~ ~rnade~land the~~instrument returned,~ transpotitiort prepeid.~ R~epaired products~are~vyarrsnted fork the:bMance of the origin8~warianty period, ~~ or at least 90 ~days. : LIMITATION~~OF~WARAANTV~~ This warranty does not epply~to ~defectsresulting~ from unauthorized mpdification or misuse oft any product or part. This warmnty al&o does ~~ spply to~fuses; batter@, or damage from ~battery leakege~~ ~~ not This werranty is in lieu,of all other &rranties, expra$ed or implied, in- dluding~ any implied ~warranty of :merchentability nor f%ne& -for a par; ticularuse; Keithley Instruments, ~lnti. shall not bs IiabMfor any indirect, special nor coosequential~damsges. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ;' ~~~ ;S~~~EM~E,N~T~OF~CAL1BRATION Ran ~: : ~~ .~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~itiStrument~ has, been~ inspected land t&tedin~ This crCcOrdance v&h specifications bublishedby Keithley instruments, fin& ~~ Instruments, : The~at%uracy and calibration~of this instrument am traceable to the ~~ ~Nationat ~Bureau of Standards through equipment which is cal~@reted at ,~ @anned~Jntery&ls~ comparisqti !a ,~et$fii standafds nMin@nad in by

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