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Now downloading free:Keithley 501 920 01A

Keithley 501 920 01A free download

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AOM5 Analog Output Module Introduction HardwareCompatibility The AOM5 is a high-speed analog output module provid- The AOM5 can be operated in slots 2 through 10 of the ing four independent channels of D/A conversion. A 5OOA, 5OOl?, 556 mainframe. Up to nine AOM5 modules or system strobe feature, supported by two levels of data can be used in these systems for a maximum of 36 analog latching in the D/A converter, allows all D/A channels to output channels. The AOM5 can also be used in the option be updated simultaneously. slot of the Model 570 or 575 for up to 6 analog output channels. TheAOM5 D/A converters offer 13-bit resolution (12 data The AOM5 uses the voltage reference which is a part of the bits plus a sign bit). Four output ranges can be independ- system A/D converter circuitry. In the 500~seriessystems ently selected through software for each channel: lOV, SV, and Mode1575, the reference is located on the AMM analog 2V, and 1V. The sign bit switches the converter output master measurement module plugged into slot 1 of the either positive or negative, so the effective full-scale reso- system. Where analog input measurements are not needed, lution for a bipolar range is 8192 steps. Programming +OV an AOM5 can also be plugged into slot 1 of these systems. or -0V results in the same output. Maximum nonlinearity This requires that the optional on-board voltage reference is fl.O24%. be populated on the AOM5. This reference circuitry is ex- plained later in this manual under the topic "Using the On- board Voltage Reference". The AOM5 analog output circuitry has a 5~s settling time, and can theoretically achieve output update speeds of 2OOkHz. However, the speed of the computer limits the rate at which successive output values can be written to the Software Compatibility module, with a typical speed being about 6OkHz for a 1OMHz 80286-based computer. Keithley's KDAC500 software fully supports the AOM5. If you are using third-party software, be certain that the software is compatible with the AOM5. High-speed operation is supported in Keithley's KDAC500 software by the ANOUTQ (ANalog

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