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Now downloading free:IBM Y28-6612-2 Fixed-Task Supervisor PLM Sep67

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Y28-6612-2 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Fixed-Task Supervisor Program Number 360S-CI-505 This publication describes the fixed- task supervisor, which performs task management as a major part of the primary control program of IBM System/360 Operating system. In addition, this manual describes the initial program loader (IPL) and the nucleus initialization program (NIP).< Program Logic Manual~ are intended for use by IB~ customer eng1neers involved in program maintenance, and by system program- mers involved in altering the program de- sign. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use; therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program maintenance or modification responsibilities. Restricted Distribution Form Y28-6612-0,-1,-2., Page Revised by TNL Y28-2114, 4/10/61 PREFACE This manual describes the internal design IBM System/360: Principles of Operation, of the fixed-task supervisor of IBM Form A22-6821 System/360 Operating System. Although this publication contains information concerning the supervisor in environments with a fixed IBM System/360 Operating system: Con- number of tasks, this publication is issued cepts and Facilities, Form C28-6535 only in support of single-task environments without protection. The external charac- teristics of this supervisor are described IBM System/360 operating System: Super- in the IBM Systems Reference Library. visor and Data Management services, Form C28-6646 Information in this document is directed to the customer engineer who maintains and se~ices IBM System/360 Computing System IBM System/360 Operating System: Super- and who is responsible for field mainten- visor and Data Management Macro- ance and updating of IBM System/360 Operat- Instructions, Form C28-6641 ing system. This information may also be used by the programming systems maintenance programmer and the development programmer IBM system/360 Operating system: who will expand the system. TESTRAN, Form C28-6648 This publication may be used to locate those areas of the system to be analyzed or IBM System/360 Operating System: Linkage modified. The information is presented to Editor, Form C28-6538 enable the reader to quickly relate the task management functions to the program listings (coding) for those functions. The IBM System/360 Operating System: System comments in the listings provide informa- Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6550 tion

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