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Now downloading free:IBM 198401 15 Program Offerings

IBM 198401 15 Program Offerings free download

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-- - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - --- Do not reproduce without written permission PO 5710-RF1.1 Jan 84 ====';'= ISG PROGRAM OFFERINGS 5710-RF1 - RESTAURANT MGMT. SYS. - FINANCIAL 5710-RF2 - RESTAURANT MGMT. SYS. - OPERATING DATAMASTER RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PURPOSE The Restaurant Management System is a set of program offerings designed for the IBM Datamaster. It features two areas of restaurant management - Financial and Operating - with a total of five applica- tions. Restaurant Financial Management includes Payroll, Accounts Payable and General Ledger. Restaurant Operating Management includes Sales Analysis and Labor Scheduling. The Datamaster Restaurant Management System provides timely and accurate information to help fine dining and fast food restaurants manage their business. Although the applications are designed to run together, they may also be installed as two independent software packages. Tri-Data Systems developed this programming offering and will provide maintenance and response line support. Primary Industry: Retail Programming System: Datamaster Language: BASIC DOCUMENTATION (available from Mechanicsburg) Availability Notice (GB30-2120) ... Report Brochure (G360-0423). - -- - -- - - - - -- - ----- Do not reproduce without written permission PO 5710-RRL.1 .=. =::: :Sf

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