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IBM BSL libraryOct67 free download

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F. M. Bonevento Systems Development Division Foughkeepsie, New York October 27, 1967 IBM Confidential The BSL/IO Supplement: to the BSL Library Manual is bound in the back of this document BSL LIBRARY Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 4 II. BSL OBJECT TIME INPUT/OUTPUT 5 1. Function 5 2. Entry points and functions 5 A. READ 5 B. PRINT 5 C. PUNCH 6 D. CLOSE 6 3. Error conditions detected by BSL Object rime 6 Input/Output 4. Sample use of BSL Object Time Input/Output 8 5. Program listing of BSL Object time Input/Output 9 Routine III. PDUMP 19 ---- 1. Function 19 2. How to use PDUMP 19 3. Output format produced by PDUMP 20 4. Error conditions detected by PDUMP 20 5. Sample use of PDUMP 21 6. Program listing of PDUMP 22 IV.

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