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Now downloading free:IBM GC30-2004-6 OS BTAM Sep72

IBM GC30-2004-6 OS BTAM Sep72 free download

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File name GC30-2004-6_OS_BTAM_Sep72.pdf

File No. S360-jU Order No. GC30-2004-6 Systems Reference Library IBM System/3S0 Operating System Basic TelecDmmunicatiDns Access Method Program Number 360S-CO-513 This publication describes the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) available with Release 20.6/20.7 and Release 21 of the System/360 Operating System com- bined with the Independent Component Release containing BTAM support for the IBM 3270 Display System. BTAM provides facilities that enable an assembler-language programmer to write a teleprocessing control program that effects communications at the Read/Write level between a System/360 and a variety of computers and terminals connected to the System/360 over common- carrier or private-wire communications networks. BTAM provides similar facilities for the local IBM BTAM 3270 Display System. BTAM employs both start-stop and binary synchronous communications (BSC) tech- niques, depending on the type of remote station. Typical BTAM applications include data acquisition, message switching, and inquiry processing. The publication explains some concepts of tele- processing and BTAM, describes line control and message transmission techniques, and describes each of the BTAM macro instructions and facilities needed to construct a control program. The READ and WRITE macro instructions applicable for each type of remote station and line configuration are given, along with the channel pro- grams generated for each type. Prerequisite to use of this publication is a knowl- edge of System/360 assembler language and data manage- ment facilities. Appendix J of this publication lists the types of terminals that are supported by the Basic Telecommunications Access Method component of the System/360 Operating System. Terminals which are equivalent to those explicitly supported may also function satisfactorily. The customer is responsible for establishing equivalency. IBM assumes no responsibility for the impact that any changes to the I BM-supplied products or programs may have on such terminals. Seventh Edition (September 1972) This edition, GC30-2004-6, is a revision of GC30-2004-5 and associated Technical Newsletters GN30-2551, GN30-2563, GN30-2568, GN30-2569, GN30-2570, and GN30-2571. This edition applies to OS Release 20.6/20.7 and Release 21 combined with the Independent Component Release containing BTAM support for the IBM 3270 Display System. Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this pUblication are continually being made. When using this publication in connection with the use of IBM equipment, check the latest SRL Newslet- ter for revisions or co

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