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Now downloading free:IBM GC27-0429-2 NCCF General Information Sep79

IBM GC27-0429-2 NCCF General Information Sep79 free download

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GC27-0429-2 File No. S370/430()'30 Network Communications Control Facility Program Product General Information Releases 1 and 2 Program Number 5735-XX6 ----- - - --- - "- - - - - ---- - -- - - - -... -- - - - ---- ______ w:_ -... Third Edition (September 1979) This edition applies to Releases 1 and 2 of the Network Communications Control Facility, program number 5735-XX6, an IBM program product. The program product described in this manual, and all licensed materials available for it, are provided by IBM under terms of the Agreement for IBM Licensed Programs. Your branch office can advise you on ordering procedures. Before using this publication in connection with the openition of IBM systems consult your IBM representative to find out which editions are applicable and current. Copies of this and other IBM pUblications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. A form for reader's comments has been provided at the back of this publication. Address any additioral comments to IBM Corporation, Department 63T, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, New York 12401. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1978, 1979 Summary of Amendments (November 30, 1979) to GC27-0429-1 by Revision GC27-0429-2 This revision describes the new functions of NCCF Release 2. Preface This publication provides an overview of the Network stopping the program, screen format, and command Communications Control Facility (NCCF). It is entry. The remaining sections provide information on directed primarily to customer executives, system terminal and program support, storage, and administrators, system analysts, system programmers, compatibility considerations. application programmers, and terminal operators who are operating with DOS/VSE or OS/VS systems. More detailed information will be found in the following publications: Readers should use this book to get a general Network Communications Control Facility understanding of NCCF concepts, and the Installation, SC27-0430 requirements and options that must be considered in planning

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