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Now downloading free:IBM SC26-3770-0 Assembler H Messages Feb71

IBM SC26-3770-0 Assembler H Messages Feb71 free download

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File name SC26-3770-0_Assembler_H_Messages_Feb71.pdf

o IBM System/360 Operating System Assembler H Program Product Messages Program Number 5734-AS1 This book describes the assembly error diagnostic messages and the abnormal assembly termination messages issued by Assembler H. Assembler H is an assembler language processor for the IBM System/360 Operating System. It performs high-speed assemblies on an IBM System/360 Model 40 or higher and on o an IBM System/370 Model 145, 155, or 165 with at least 256K bytes of main storage. This book is intended for all Assembler H programmers. It should be used in conjunction with the Operating System Assembler Language manual, Order Number GC28-6514; the Assembler H Language Specifications, Order Number GC2~3771; and the Assembler H Pro- grammer's Guide, Order Number SC2~3759. For each error message, this book describes the number and text of the message, the explanation of the error, the assembler's handling of the error, and the programmer's response to correct the error. The introduction to this book describes the format, content, and placement of the error messages. o Page of SC26 -3770-0 Revised February 15, 1971 By TNL SN33-8093 'C ' ... "' I' First Edition (June, 1970) This edition,with Technical Newsletter SN33-8093, applies to version 2 of the IBM System/360 Operating System Assembler H Program Product 5134-ASI and to all subsequent versions until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated bya vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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