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Now downloading free:IBM Y26-3598-0 32k asmPLM 1966

IBM Y26-3598-0 32k asmPLM 1966 free download

A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of flat panel display that uses small cells containing plasma; ionized gas that responds to electric fields.

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File name Y26-3598-0_32k_asmPLM_1966.pdf

Y26-3598-0 Program Logic IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER (32K) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL This publication describes the internal logic of the 32K Assembler for IBM System/360 Operating System. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance, and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program Logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those with the aforementioned requirements. RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION -- SEE ABSTRACT PREFACE PREREQUISITE AND RELATED LITERATURE Effective use of this Program Logic Manual (PLM) requires a thorough The Introduction describes the purpose of the program, its relationship to the Operating System, the I/O devices required to perform the program, and the program I understanding of the contents of the organization. publication IBM Operating System/3~ The phase descriptions describe the Assembler Language (Form C28-6Sl4). phase logic and functions performed by the phase. The labels in the 'Routine DESIGN OF' THIS PUBLICATION Description' portion of each phase are arranged alphabetically, assuming that This PLM supplements the program listing. the user will be coming to the descrip- Labels on flowcharts are keyed to the tions from a flowchart, looking for an program listing. explanation of a label encountered in one This manual consists of an introduction, of the flowcharts. two sections containing detailed infor- The reference section of the manual mation about the various phases, and a consists of flowcharts, appendixes, and a section of reference material. glossary of terms. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. A form has been provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form has been detached, comments may be directed to: IBM Corporation, Programming Publications, Department 232, San Jose, California 95114.

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