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Now downloading free:Keithley 077100800 (Oct 2014)(CA-446 252C CA-447)

Keithley 077100800 (Oct 2014)(CA-446 252C CA-447) free download

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File name 077100800 (Oct 2014)(CA-446_252C CA-447).pdf

CA-446A & CA-447A Keithley Instruments 28775 Aurora Road 100 M-M SMA Cables, 3 and 1.5 m Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-800-935-5595 Description The Keithley Instruments CA-446A (3 m) and CA-447A (1.5 m) are 100 male-to-male cables. They are used to connect instruments and switching products that have female SMA connectors to fixtures and instruments that also have female SMA connectors. These cables are commonly used with the Keithley Instruments Model 4210-CVU. Figure 1: CA-446A, 3 m SMA male to male Dimensions Part number Length CA-446A 3 m (10 feet) CA-447A 1.5 m (5 feet) Electrical characteristics

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