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File No. S360-36 Form C28-200.l-2 TSS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Time Sharing System Command System User's Guide The command system in Time Sharing System/360 gives to the user the facilities he needs for constructing, executing, and debugging his programs; also, he can create, modify, share, and copy data sets; he can move them to or from input/output devices. The user can modify and add to the IBM-supplied command system to meet his specific requirements. Third Edition (September 1968) This is a major revision of, and makes obsolete, Form C28-200l-l and Technical Newsletters N28-3003, N28-30l3, and N28-3027. This publication reflects extensive changes made to the command system. The user has broader and more flexible means of creating and editing VISAM data sets with 16 new text edit- ing commands. Furthermore, the user can alter the IBM- supplied command system to suit his own needs and even write his own commands. 'l'his edition is current with Version 3, Modification 0, and remains in effect for all subsequent versions or modifications of IBM System/360 Time Sharing System unless otherwise indi- cated. Significant changes or additions to this publication will be provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, refer to the latest edition of IBM s*stem/360 Time Sharing System: Addendum, Form C28-2043, for t e ed~ tions of publ~cations that are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form is provided at the back of this publication for read- er's comments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, System/360 Time Sharing System programming publications, Department 561, 2651 Strang Boule- vard, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. 10598. @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1966, 1967, 1968 PREFACE The IBM System/360 Time Sharing System, TSS/360, provides specific facilities for each class of system-user. One set of facilities, reserved for the system manager and his administrators, is described in IBM System/ 360 Time Sharing System: Managers and Administrators Guide, Form C28- 2024. Another set, reserved for the system operator, is described in IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Operator's Guide, Form C28-2033-2. A third set of facilities, reserved for those who are concerned with using the system is described in this publication. In TSS/360, this type of individual is called a "user," whether he is a system programmer, an applications programmer, or someone who uses the system only on an in- quiry basis. Part I of this publication deals with the basic command system and how to write commands. The following parts describ

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