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Now downloading free:IBM C26-2806-1 360-20 DiskSortMerge 1967

IBM C26-2806-1 360-20 DiskSortMerge 1967 free download

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File name C26-2806-1_360-20_DiskSortMerge_1967.pdf

File Number S360(Mod.20)-3~ Form C26-3806-1 Systems Referen,ce Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System Disk Sort/Merge Program This publication describes the functions and the use of the Disk Sort/Merg'e Program for the IBM System/360 Model 20. It contains the following information: 1. Minimum machine requirements for sorting or merging records w'i th this program .. 2. Additional machine features sUpported. 3. Program capabili t.ies . 4. A description of the control statements required to define sort or merge operations. 5. A description of the facilities provided for inserting user-written routines into the program. For a list of associated publications and their abstracts, see IBM System/360 Model 20 Bibliography, Form A26-3565. This manual describes the IBM System/360 reader should be familiar with the publica- Model 20, Disk Programmin;J System (DPS}, tion IBM System/360 Model 20, Disk Program- Disk Sort/Merge Program. It includes a ming ~yst~~L-Control and Service Programs, description of the program, the machine Form C24-9006. Certain Job Control state- configurations to which the program ment information has been incorporated into applies, and the format of the control this manual to minimize the need to refer statements needed to tailor the Disk to other publications. Sort/Merge Program to a specific job. If user exits are used, the reader Amplified details, technical data, pro- should be familiar with the SRL publication cedures for' program modification, and back- IBM S~stem/360 Model 20, Disk and Tape ground information are also included. Programming Systems, Assembler Language, Form C24-9002. The program operates in conjunction with the Model 20 DPS Control and Service pro- A ;Jlossary is appended to explain termi- grams. Therefore, in addition to a working nology used in this publication that may be knowledge of the System/360 Model 20, the unfamiliar to the reader. I Second Edition This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, C26-3806-0 and TNL N24-90l4. The publication has been completely rewritten and new material has been incorporated. Therefore, this edition should be reviewed in its entirety. Specifications contained herein are subject to change from time to time. Any such changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to update the text and to control the page and line form

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