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Now downloading free:IBM 3741 Maintenance Library May75

IBM 3741 Maintenance Library May75 free download

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- --- - - - - = - -====---- -- -- - =: - - - --- --- - --- -. - - - Maintenance Library ----- --- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -= - --- Data - -- - =E Station Theory-Maintenance EC 823146 825853 825979 825958 826065 PN 1607500 3741 ML 0-1 10/30/74 11/15/74 12/20/74 3/21/75 5/16/75 EC 825853 825958 826065 PN 1607501 Date 9/15174 3/21/75 8/1/75 0-2 PREFACE This is the only manual you need to maintain the IBM 3741 Data Station. The manual contains Display Viewer theory, operation procedures, MAPs, and remove- replace-and-adjust procedures. It also contains part numbers for the field replaceable units (FRUs). All the information is in an easy-to-use graphic format. Keyboard The starting point for each call is on page 1-1. Page 1-1 directs you to the Symptom Index. The Symptom Index in turn, based on the symptom, directs you to a MAP section. If the MAP does not lead you to the cause of the trouble, go back to the Symptom Index to look for another MAP, or use the Basic Machine Checkout Procedure, MAP 7-1. If the symptom changes during machine warm- up, use the last symptom to start the call. If there are no specific symptoms to guide you, use MAP 7-1. Each MAP section contains step-by-step proce- dures to locate the failing part, and the remove- replace-and-adjust procedures to correct machine error. iBM 3741 Data Station Check the manual to see how it is organized and the information it contains.

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