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IBM TIE6309-0164 1401binTblSrch free download

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ITEM NUMBER 6309-0164 (T. 1.1:.) 24 pages DATE July 29, 1963 AUTHOR Edward C. Knapp, Jr. TITLE TRUE BINARY TABLE SEARCH FOR THE IBM 1400 SERIES SOURC]!: IBM CORPORATION 205 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Thts paper Is In the author's original form. The objectlve In provlding this copy h. to keep you Informed In YOUl" field of Interest. Please do not distribute this paper to persons outside the IBM Company. ---_..------ ... -- --------...--...-- IBM CONFIDENTIAL ... DISTRIBUTED BY 6309 0164 'THE PROGRAM INFORMA TION DEPAR TMENT (TIE) :lBM CORP. 11 Z EAST POST ROAD 'WlnTE PLAINS. NY Table of Contents Wny the True Binary Search is Needed 1 Theory of Binary Search 2 Binary Theory Applied to All Tables 6 Programming Example of Equal Search 8 Logic Diagram 9 Autocoder Program Segment 10 Bi.nary Search for Equal-High 11 Binary Search for Equal-Low 13 Tables in Descending Sequence 15 How to Construct the Subsidiary Tables 16 Conclusion 20 TITLE: True Binary Table Search AUTHOR: Edward C. Knapp DATE: July 24, 1963 DIRECT INQUIRIES TO: Edward C. Knapp IBM Corporation 205 Whitney Avenue New Haven 10, Connecticut ABSTRACT: This paper describes a new theory of a true binary table search that may be used on any size sequential table. Originally developed for the IBM 1410, it is most attractive on 1400 series and other computers not equipped with the table look-up feature. This technique proves to be superior in both speed and memory require- ments to previously used programmed table look -up routines. [)f3- if ytby the True Binary Search is Needed It is a rare computer program which does not at some point search through an ordered table or group of records to find a number or name that matches some input. We are confronted with very similar problems in looking up an electricity rate, sorting tape records internally, converting codes, finding a disk record within a blocked track, distributing charges to general led

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