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Now downloading free:IBM C24-1480-0 1401symbPgmSys

IBM C24-1480-0 1401symbPgmSys free download

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File name C24-1480-0_1401symbPgmSys.pdf

File Number 1401-21 Form C24-1480-0 Systems Reference Library IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming Systems: SPS-1 and SPS-2 Specifications and Operating Procedures This manual provides programmers with the informa- tion necessary to code a 1401 program in SPS language and assemble a machine-language object-program. It is assumed that the programmer has a basic knowledge of 1401 machine language programming. It describes symbolic programming principles and concepts and gives detailed speCifications of the 1401 Symbolic Programming Systems, SPS 1 and SPS 2. Operating instructions for processing the SPS source program are enumerated. The SPS processor program can assemble a machine language program on configu- rations of the 1401 Data Processing System equipped with a 1402 Card Read-Punch. A sample program is included for the convenience of the beginning SPS programmer. Input and output forms, a block diagram of the program procedure, the symbolic program, and SPS output listings of the sym- bolic and machine-language programs are shown.

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