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Now downloading free:Keithley Series500

Keithley Series500 free download

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EXTERNAL SYSTEMS Series 500 Data Acquisition Instruments An Alternative to PC Board Data Acquisition Series 500 data acquisition instruments provide clear The Series 500 data acquisition instruments are an exten- advantages over alternative PC-based data acquisition sion of Keithley's board level data acquisition products. products. The Series 500 provides more than just A/D These instrument systems measure accurately such phys- conversion and channel multiplexing. You can mix and ical phenomena as voltage, temperature and strain. They match signal conditioning modules, both isolated and can also control voltages, currents, and digital circuitry. non-isolated, to allow direct connection to all of the pop- Key to their measurement performance is the fact that all ular sensor types. In addition to the standard 12-bit reso- measurements are made in the instrumentation enclo- lution, you can choose the 16-bit resolution AMM2 A/D sure, well removed from the PC's noisy environment. card for more demanding applications. There is no need for additional screw terminal boxes, as all modules have The family consists of single- and multi-module expan- convenient removable screw terminal connectors which sion slot chassis that can be connected to a computer reside neatly within the chassis. through a parallel or standard GPIB interface. A variety of modules can be used to configure the instruments to solve specific application problems or to provide a general pur- SERIES pose solution for benchtop, laboratory, and R&D instru- 500 CA To rece T A LO G ment needs. Several software packages are available pro- ive the

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