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Now downloading free:IBM SY33-8555-1 DOS VS IPL and Job Control Rel 29 PLM Nov73

IBM SY33-8555-1 DOS VS IPL and Job Control Rel 29 PLM Nov73 free download

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SY33-8555-1 File No. S370-36 DOS/VS I P L and Job Control Systems Logic Program Numbers 5745-SC-IPL 5745-SC-JCL Release 29 Second Edition (Ncverrter 1973) This is a major revision cf. and ctsoletes. SY33-8555-0. It includes changes tc reflect the s~PFcrt fcr Systerr/370 ~cdel 115. the new devices 3340. 5425. 5203 and 3203. and other DCS/VS system enhancerrents. This edition applies tc versicn 5. Release 29, cf the IEM Cisk Operating systerr/virtual Storage. CCS/VS. and to all subsequent versions and editicns until ctherwise indicated in new editicns cr Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made tc the inforrraticn herein. Before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systerrs. consult the IB~ Systerr/360 and Systerr/370 Eitlicgraphy. GA22-6822. for the editions that are applicatle and current. Requests for ccpies cf IBM putlicaticns shculd te rrade tc your IBM representative or to the IEM tranch office serving your locality. A form for reader's ccrrments is prcvided at the back of this publication. If the fcrm has teer. rerrcved. comments rray te addressed to IE~ latoratory. Futlications Cepartment. F.O. Eox 24, Uithoorn, The Netherlands. Corrrrents tecome the property of IBM.

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