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Now downloading free:IBM A32-0004-0 2420 Model 7 OEM Oct68

IBM A32-0004-0 2420 Model 7 OEM Oct68 free download

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File name A32-0004-0_2420_Model_7_OEM_Oct68.pdf

File No. S360-0S Form A32-0004-0 Systems Reference Library IBM 2420 Model 7 Magnetic Tape Unit Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information This manual contains detailed electrical, mechanical and cabling considerations and specifications concerning tape control-tape unit interface for the IBM 2420 Model 7 Magnetic Tape Unit. Preface This manual is for use by designers and engineers when designing devices which will interface with the IBM 2420 Model 7 Magnetic Tape Unit. It contains all electrical, mechanical and cabling requirements necessary for Model 7 operation. The reader's detailed knowledge of computer techniques and terminology is assumed. First Edition (October, 1968) Changes axe periodically made to the specifications herein; any changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. This manual was prep axed by IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Depaxtment 265, PO Box 1900, Boulder, Colorado 80302. A fonn is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the fonn has been removed, comments may be sent to the above address. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to your local IBM branch office. ii Contents Introduction . 1 Cables . 8 Operator Panel Lights 2 Connectors 8 Operator Panel Pushbuttons 3 Drivers and Terminators. 8 2420 Interf\lce . 3 Tape Unit Tester 16 Input Signal Lines 3 Tester Switches and Controls 16 Output Signal Lines 6 Tester Signal Hubs 18 Ground and dc Power Lines . 8 I Ilust ratio ns Figure Title Page Figure Title Page IBM 2420 Model 7 Magnetic Tape Unit v 9 Tape Unit/Tape Control Signal Cable Connector 1 Functions/Specifications/ and Requirements 1 Pin Assignments 13 2 Interface Lines: Specifications 4 10 Write Bus Terminator 14 3 Tape Unit Select Lines .

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