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Now downloading free:Keithley 2681 Using Fwd Voltage2

Keithley 2681 Using Fwd Voltage2 free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E is straightforward, but there are physical limitations to this technique due to the finite size of the sensor. In many cases, the sensor itself would be larger than the junction to be measured. This would add a large thermal mass to the system, and additional error to the measurement which would lessen the ac- curacy of the measurement. Therefore, this technique would not be very useful in most applications. A better technique is to employ the junc- tion itself as a temperature sensor. With most materials, there is a strong correlation be- tween the forward voltage drop of a junction and the temperature of that junction. The Using Forward point at which a junction becomes nonlin- ear with respect to junction temperature is dependent on the material of the junction as Voltage to Measure well as its design. It is safe to assume linear- ity for most materials in normal operating environments up t

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