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DVD PLYAER DHC - 2300K SERVICE Manual DVD PLAYER CONTENTS 1. Precautions 2. Reference Information 3. Product Specification 4. Operating Instructions 5. Disassembly and Reassembly 6. Troubleshooting 7. Electrical Part List 8. Block Diagram 9. PCB Diagrams 10. Wiring Diagram 11. Schematic Diagrams 1. Precautions 1-1 Safety Precautions 1) Before returning an instrument to the customer, and then in the OFF position, measure from a always make a safety check of the entire known earth ground (metal water pipe, conduit, instrument, including, but not limited to, the etc.) to all exposed metal parts of the following items: instrument (antennas, handle brackets, metal cabinets, screwheads, metallic overlays, (1) Be sure that no built-in protective devices are control shafts, etc.), especially and exposed defective or have been defeated during servicing. metal parts that offer an electrical return path (1) Protective shields are provided to protect to the chassis. both the technician and the customer. Correctly Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA. replace all missing protective shields, including Reverse the instrument power cord plug in the any remove for servicing convenience. outlet and repeat the test. See Fig. 1-1. (2) When reinstalling the chassis and/or other Any measurements not within the limits assembly in the cabinet, be sure to put back in specified herein indicate a potential shock place all protective devices, including, but not hazard that must be eliminated before returning limited to, nonmetallic control knobs, insulating the instrument to the customer. fish papers, adjustment and compartment covers/shields, and isolation resistor/capacitor (Reading networks. Do not operate this instrument or should not Test all be above permit it to be operated without all protective exposed Meter 0.5mA) Device Sufaces devices correctly installed and functioning. Under

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