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Now downloading free:IBM GA26-3599-6 2314 2844 Component Description Nov71

IBM GA26-3599-6 2314 2844 Component Description Nov71 free download

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File Number 8360-07 Order GA26-3599-6 Systems Reference Library IBM System/3SD Component Descriptions 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility and 2844 Auxiliary Storage Control The functional and operating characteristics of IBM 2314 modell, A-series, and B-series Direct Access storage Facility (DASF) and IBM 2844 Auxiliary storage Control are described in this manual. These devices provide high speed, large capacity, direct access storage and control for IBM System/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 67, 75, 85, 91, and 195 selector channels, or System/ 370 selector and block multiplexer channels. This manual describes the instruction sets, com- mand sequences, track formats, and operating procedures for the above devices. PREFACE The purpose of this manual is to provide reference special feature attachment, and component location material for programmers and operators of IBM are described in the appropriate sections of the 2314 Direct Access storage Facilities. You should manual. be familiar with IBM System/360 Principles of Oper- Unless specifically noted otherwise, references ation, Order No. GA22-6821, and the system summary to the 2314 encompass the facility as a whole. That or functional characteristics manual applicable to is, the control unit and its attached disk storage the system to which the IBM 2314 is attached. Order modules. numbers for system summary and functional charac- The IBM 2844 Auxiliary Storage Control (not teristics manuals can be found in IBM System/360 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822. I available with the 2314 B-series) performs essen- tially the same functions as the 2314 control unit. Although there are three distinct versions of the Therefore, the instruction set, command sequences, IBM 2314 Direct Access storage Facility (modell, A- etc. described for the 2314 apply to the 2844. Oper- series, and B-series), the instruction sets, command ating procedures, addressing, and feature attach- sequences, and operating procedures described in this ment peculiar to the 2844 are described in a separate manual apply to all. All differences in performance, section of this manual. I Seventh Edition (November, 1971)

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