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Now downloading free:IBM A26-5988-2 2841 2302 2311 2321 2303 Component Descriptions Oct65

IBM A26-5988-2 2841 2302 2311 2321 2303 Component Descriptions Oct65 free download

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File name:A26-5988-2_2841_2302_2311_2321_2303_Component_Descriptions_Oct65.pdf
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File name A26-5988-2_2841_2302_2311_2321_2303_Component_Descriptions_Oct65.pdf

File No. S360-07 Form A26-5988-2 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Component Descriptions- 2841 Storage Control Unit 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4 2311 Disk Storage Drive 2321 Data Cell Drive, Model 1 2303 Drum Storage This publication contains reference information for the operation and programming of storage devices which attach to the IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit. These storage devices include the IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive; the IBM 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4; the IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive, Modell; and the IBM 2303 Drum Storage. This is a reprint of an earlier publication (Form A26-5988 -1). The following Technical Newsletter is incorporated in this edition: Form No. Pages Date N26-0131 iii and blank, 10/22/65 1 and 2, 13 and 14, 41 and 42 Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Comments concerning the contents of this publication may be addressed to: IBM, Product Publications Department, San Jose, Calif. 95114 ii CONTENTS Page Page IBM 2841 STORAGE CONTROL UNIT.

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