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IBM C24-3341-0 1041onlineTestin free download

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File Number GENL-30 Form C24-3341-0 Systems Reference Library On-Line Testing IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460 This publication presents on-line testing procedures for a communication-oriented IBM 1401, 1440, or 1460 Data Processing System with a remote IBM 1050 Data Communications System and/or IBM 1030 Data Collection System. Use of these procedures reduces the inconvenience caused by malfunctions external to the data processing system and the IBM 1026 or 1448 Transmission Control Unit. The lacs options for on-line testing are discussed, and a typical user's diagnostic routine is described. Also, suggestions are given for: (1) operator testing procedures at the remote terminal; (2) content of a diagnostic test message; and (3) types of off-line performance reports. The reader should be familiar with the following SRL publications, depending on the system he has installed. IBM 1050 Data Communlcations System, Form A24-3020 IBM 1030 Data Collection System, Form A24-3018. For a data processing system with an IBM 1448: IBM 1448 Transmission Control Unit, Form A24-3010 IOCS Specifications, IBM 1460 with IBM 1448 (1401/1460 Communications IOCS -1448/DDC), Form C24

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