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Now downloading free:IBM X24-6532-0 1401 Program Card 1961

IBM X24-6532-0 1401 Program Card 1961 free download

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File name:X24-6532-0_1401_Program_Card_1961.pdf
[preview X24-6532-0 1401 Program Card 1961]
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Model:X24-6532-0 1401 Program Card 1961 🔎
Original:X24-6532-0 1401 Program Card 1961 🔎
Descr: IBM 140x X24-6532-0_1401_Program_Card_1961.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name X24-6532-0_1401_Program_Card_1961.pdf

I 40 I DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM PROGRAM CARD CONTENTS OF REGISTERS AT TRANSMISSION REQUIRED CAN INST. COMP. OF OPERATION INSTRUCTION REMARKS STOPPED BY WORD MARKS BE CHAINED Write A line B-Add. Reg. stonds ol 333 wirh Print Storoqe B-Add. Reg. slonds ol 333 wirh Prinl Sloroge Printino occurs first l8l or 081 Normolly B-Add. Reg. is ot l8l unless punch- ino is comoleted first l8l or 081 See remorks for Reod' Punch A (A) (B) B-field. A-field Blonks ore lreoled os only if smoller zeros, unsigned fields thon B-field ore lreoled os posilive s (A) (B) B-field word mork B-field. A-field Some os remork for only if smoller Add thon B-field

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