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HP 5950-2953 free download

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Agilent AN 369-5 Multi-frequency C-V Measurement of Semiconductors Application Note Agilent E4980A and 4284A Solutions Offered by the Precision LCR Meters E4980A and 4284A 1. Wide Frequency Range Thus, the E4980A and the 4284A Introduction Measurements from 20 Hz to 2 MHz. can single-handedy perform C-V measurements in both the low and Parameters such as the capacitance The program listing shown in the high frequency ranges. This allows it of the oxide layer (Cox) and the appendix was used to measure to measure high-loss devices (semi- density of substrate impurities (Nsub) the C-V characteristics at 10 kHz, conductors on large diameter wafers, that are required in the evaluation of 100 kHz, and 1 MHz of the MOS etc.), which are difficult to measure at the manufacturing process of MOS device whose characteristics are 1 MHz, at low frequencies (10 kHz, type semiconductors can be derived shown in Figure 1. 100 kHz, etc.). by using measured C-V characteris- tics. To make an accurate evaluation of these processes, precise C-V measurements are required. Such measurements entail the following difficulties. 1.0 Difficulties 1. There is no single instrument that Cap/cox can make C-V measurements from low to high frequencies. 2. It is difficult to compensate for the additional errors that occur when cable extensions or a prober are used. 0.0 3. The accuracy and reliability of

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