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TECHNICAL TIE 5-0021 INFORMATION December 22, 1964 EXCHANGE 190 pages XT IBM 1401,1440 AND 1460 PROGRAMMING AND OPERATING TECFINIQUES Mr. Jack Melnick 150 Grand Street- Basement White Plains, N. Y. FOR IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY This paper is in the author's original form. The objective in providing this copy is to keep you informed in your field of interest. Please do not distribute this paper to persons outside the Company. Distributed by DPD Program Infor:mation Department IBM Corporation 112 East Post Road TIE 5-0021 White Plains, New York IBM 1401, 1440 and 1460 Programming and Operating Techniques Page Key 'if of Pages 3 Unnumbered pages in front (title, disclaimer, abstract) Contents 6 Section A (A-1 thru A-c) IBM 1401, 1440 and 1460 71 Section B (B-O thru B-69) PROGRAMMING AND OPERATING 13 Section C (C-1 thru C-13) TECHNIQUES 15 Section D (D-O thru D-14) 10 Section E (E-O thru E-9) 11 Section F (F-O thru F-10) 7 Section G (G-O thru G-6) A. Elaine Taylor Advisory Systems Specialist 8 Section H (H-O thru H-7) 150 Grand Street White Plains, New York 23 Section I (I-a thru 1-22) Maurice D. Howe 20 Section J (J-O thru J-19) Marketing Publications Washington Ave. Lab Dept. 293/Bldg. 630-1 Endicott, New York 188 Jack Melnick Manager, Field Techniques Development Projects 150 Grand Street White Plains, New York August 18, 1964 IBM 1401, 1440 and 1460 PROGRAM1tUNG AND

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