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Now downloading free:IBM C20-1688-1 2260 Operator Manual Jul68

IBM C20-1688-1 2260 Operator Manual Jul68 free download

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File name:C20-1688-1_2260_Operator_Manual_Jul68.pdf
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Model:C20-1688-1 2260 Operator Manual Jul68 🔎
Original:C20-1688-1 2260 Operator Manual Jul68 🔎
Descr: IBM 2260 C20-1688-1_2260_Operator_Manual_Jul68.pdf
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File name C20-1688-1_2260_Operator_Manual_Jul68.pdf

File No. S360-03 Form C20-1688-1 Systems Reference Library Operator Manual IB M 2260 Display Station IBM 2848 Display Control IBM 1053 Printer This manual describes the operating characteristics of the IBM 2260 Display Station' and the IBM 2848 Display Control. The two units combine to provide visual access to data stored in an IBM System/360. This manual also contains a section on operating the IBM 1053 PrInter that can be attached to this system for printing the messages displayed on the screen. All functions described in this manual refer to the Models 1 and 2 of the 2260, Models 1, 2, and 3 of the 2848, and Model 4 of the 1053. CONTENTS Introducing the IBM 2260 Display Station 1 Display Formats 2 Controls 3 On/Off . . 3 Brightness . 3 Control Symbols . 4 Cursor . . . 4 Destructive Cursor 4 Nondestructive Cursor 4 Start. . 5 New Line 5 Check 6 Keyboards. 7 Shift. 8 Space/Erase 8 Advance 8 Backspace . 8 Erase Display 8 Start/Up 8 Enter. 9 New Line/Down 9 Print. .

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