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Now downloading free:LG LST-5100P Service Manual

LG LST-5100P Service Manual free download

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Descr: LG Set Top Box LST-5100P LST-5100P Service Manual.pdf
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SERVICE MANUAL High Definition Television Receiver MODEL : LST-5100P SERVICE MANUAL MODEL : LST-5100P CAUTION BEFORE SERVICING THE UNIT, READ THE "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" IN THIS MANUAL. MAY, 2005 P/NO : 3829RVP050G Printed in Korea SECTION 1 SUMMARY CONTENTS PRODUCT SAFETY SERVICING GUIDELINES FOR VIDEO PRODUCTS...1-2 SERVICING PRECAUTIONS...1-3 SPECIFICATIONS ...1-4 1-1 PRODUCT SAFETY SERVICING GUIDELINES FOR VIDEO PRODUCTS IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE A.C. Voltmeter This manual was prepared for use only by properly trained audio-video service technicians. When servicing this product, under no circumstances should the original design be modified or altered without permission from Zenith Electronics Corporation. All components should be replaced only with types identical to those in the original circuit and their physical location, wiring and lead dress must conform to original layout upon completion of repairs. 0.15uF Special components are also used to prevent x-radiation, shock and fire haz- Place this probe Good Earth Ground ard. These components are indicated by the letter "x" included in their compo- such as the Water on each exposed nent designators and are required to maintain safe performance. No deviations 1500 OHM metal part. Pipe, Conduit, etc. are allowed without prior approval by Zenith Electronics Corporation. Circuit diagrams may occasionally differ from the actual circuit

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