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Now downloading free:IBM ET News Letter 1957

IBM ET News Letter 1957 free download

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Descr: IBM typewriter ET_News_Letter_1957.pdf
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""","\ 11[1", , January 14, 1957 .. As we begin another new year in the ET Division, let's "take stock" and consider how we may improve ourselves individually, as well as increase our val ue to our company. A "good start in this direction is the resol ution to be more "suggestion-conscious" in 1957. Your suggestions are regarded as a val uabl e contribution to the future sal es potential of our products. It is through the hel p re- ceived from suggestions that many improvements are incorporated into the Electric Typewriter. ET improvements mean more sales and more new customers. Many items found in the ET News Letter are the direct result of suggestions sent in by you( the Customer Engineer. LET'S HAVE MORE GOOD IDEAS! I! Today is the best time to start shaping your ideas for the ad- 'vancement of yoursel f and our company. RESOLVE today to be more suggestion-conscious in 1957. * * ----------.; .;

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