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Now downloading free:IBM SH20-6168-1 VS PASCAL Dec81

IBM SH20-6168-1 VS PASCAL Dec81 free download

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File name SH20-6168-1_VS_PASCAL_Dec81.pdf

SH20-6168-1 PascalNS Installed language Reference Manual User Program Number: 5796-PNQ Program Pascal/VS is a Pascal compiler operating in MVS and VM/CMS. Originally designed as a high level program- ming language to teach computer programming by N. Wirth (circa 1968), Pascal has emerged as an influential and well accepted user language in today's data processing environment. Pascal provides the user with the ability to produce very reliable code by perfor- ming many error detection checks automatically. The compiler adheres to the ~urrently proposed ISO standard and includes many important extensions. The language extensions include: separate compilation, dynamic character strings and extended I/O capabilities. The implementation features include: fast compilation, optimization and a symbolic terminal oriented debugger that allows the user to debug a program quickly and efficiently. This manual describes the implementation of the lan- guage by this compiler, and is intended as a reference guide for the Pascal programmer. - - -- - --..- - ---- - ----- - - - ---- ~-- --_ ... - -. ______ - 9' _ PROGRAM SERVICES Central Service will be provided until otherwise notified. Users will be given a minimum of six months notice prior to the discontinuance of Central Service. During the Central Service period, IBM through the program sponsor(s) will, without additional charge, respond to an error in the current unaltered release of the program by issuing known error correction information to the customer reporting the problem and/or issuing corrected code or notice of avail- ability of corrected code. However, IBM does not guarantee service results or represent or warrant that all errors will be corrected. Anyon-site program service or assistance will be provided at a charge. WARRANTY EACH LICENSED PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED ON AN 'AS IS' BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Central Service Location: IBM Corporation 555 Bailey A venue P.O. Box 50020 San Jose, CA 95150 Attention: J. David Pickens Telephone: (408) 463-4394 Tieline: 8-543-4394 IBM Corporation .. DPD, Western Region 3424 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 Attention: Mr. Keith J. Warltier Telephone: (213) 736-4645 Tieline:

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