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Keithley 501 918 01C free download

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AIM3A Analog Input Module Introduction tionalresistorlocationsprovidedon themodule.Theinput signals are connected to removable screw terminal ships. The AIM3A analog input module accepts input signals of Alternately, a user-installed mass termination connector is flOOmV full scale through klOV full scale, and outputs a available for single-ended channels0-7 and 16-32, or differ- signal of flOV full scale to the A/D converter module in ential channels O-7. The mass termination connector uses slot1 ofthedataacquisitionsystem.TheAIM3Acanaccept the pin out format of the Analog Devices 3B mainframe 32 single-ended (common ground) inputs, or 16 differen- ribbon cable connector to permit direct connection of the tial (floating) inputs, or a mixture of both. All AEvl3A AlM3A to a 3B signal conditioning subsystem. functions,includinggainofxl,x10,andx100,areprogram- mable, permitting single-ended and differential inputs to be intermixed with a different gain setting for each chan- Hardware Compatibility nel. Full 16-bit precision results from the AIM3A's low- noise instrumentation amplifier, linearity of 0.005%, and The AIM3A can be used in slots 2 through 10 of the 500A attention to design, signal routing, and shielding. When and 5OOP. Up to 9 AJM3A modules can be used in these used with an AMMlA (AMMZ) A/D module, the AIM3A systemsforamaximumof3@4analoginputchannels(32SE will support 5OkHz (62.51d-12) measurements at any gain channels per AIM3A plus 16 SE channels on the AMMx in and channel mix. slot 1). For best performance, analog modules should be mounted in the lowest-numbered available slots. The Alh43A can also be used in the option slot of the Model 575 The AIM3A can be configured to accept current inputs by or576forupto48analoginputchannels(32SEchannelson installing appropriate current sensing resistors in the op. the AlM3A plus 16 SE channels on the AMMx). Document Number: 501-918-01 Rev. C / 3-92 Copyright 0 1989 Keithley Instruments, Inc., Cleveland, OH 44139 (216)248-0400 AIM3A-1 SH 0 0 SH 0 I 0 I 0 o- 1 0 0 l- 2 0 o 2- 3 I 0 I 0 3- qo 4- 0 5- 0 6- LJ 0 0 7- NC AlM3A

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