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Now downloading free:Keithley 2505 Tips-Tricks

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Imeasure circle represents the built-in amme- ter, and it, too, can control the source block. The voltage and current output go be- tween the Force terminal and the Common terminal. By Kirchoff's loop rule, all current flowing out of the Force terminal must flow into the Common terminal. The return path is normally direct, although in some cases another SMU can act as the return path. Note the Sense and Sense Lo terminals. These special high-impedance terminals are used to more accurately sense voltage at Tips, Tricks, the DUT (device under test), and no current flows in them. They are used only where ex- treme accuracy is needed, or in some special and Traps for applications. Interpreting published Advanced SMU specifications It's important to understand both the DC Measurements source and measure specifications, because they have a large impact on ma

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