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Keithley 150(Model150and150R) free download

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MODEL `150 and MODEL l5OR ' . DC MICRO VOLT-AMMETER INSTRUCTION MANUAL KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. "`1, CLEVELAND, OHIO SECTION INTRODUCTLON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I... . 1 .' SPECIl~ICA~IONS .,.,..*..*...**...**... II OPJ3RATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III A. Operating Controls B. Preliminary Set-up C. General Precautions 1. source Reoistance 2. Shielding ' 3. Thermal EMF 4. Input Noise 5. Checking the Zero Point D. Meaouring Voltage 1. Direct Moaswement 2. Small varib.tions 3. Differential Voltages E. Measuring Current 1. Dire& 14oasurcment 2. Small Variations F. Other Applications 1. Null Indicutor 2. Megohmwter CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .,*...*.,*.,.,... Iv A. Input Circuit B. AC Amplifier C. DC Amplifier D. Zero Supprension E. Other Controls; F. Power Supply ,,,,,...*...*,..*...,...**. MAINTENANCE V General Notes Trouble Shooting Volta&c-Renistance Diagram Circuit Schematic Diagram Replaceable Parts List SECTION I - INTRODUCTION The Model 150 Micro Volt-Ammeter is a stable, versatile instrument for measuring extremely low level DC signaln. It functions a6 a voltmeter i9`om one microvolt to one volt full scale, and as an ammeter from one milliampere to one hundred micro-microampere8 full scale., It aloo opcratev as a DC amplifier with gains up to ten million for driving recordertl. The very low noise level of the Model 150, together with ite long term stability rrake it ideal fo

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